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New Message from Sheriff Harnen

Date: 05/11/2023

On April 14th, 2023, I was appointed by Governor Kay Ivey to serve as the Sheriff of Jackson County, Alabama for the remaining three and a half years of this term of office.  It was an honor to accept this appointment and I will work tirelessly each and every day to serve the citizens of Jackson County.  During my twelve-year tenure as the Chief Deputy for Sheriff Chuck Phillips, I have earned a great deal of respect for the Office of Sheriff and I can only promise to do my best to continue to maintain the professionalism that this Office requires.  I know that "The Buck Stops Here" and I humbly accept that responsibility, but I also know that this Office is not made up of just one individual and that it takes the entire cadre of personnel; Supervisors, Deputies, Corrections Deputies, Administrative Support, Dispatchers and Clerks to make this Office efficient.  We have a great nucleus of senior personnel mixed with some outstanding young personnel who work together to keep Jackson County safe.  I also strive to make this a special place to work with a family atmosphere.  I truly believe that an employee who is happy at work will show up for work and will do his or her best to make this Office look good. 

As a forty-two year veteran of law enforcement, I know too well that we sometimes will not be able to make everyone happy on every encounter, but I pledge that as your Sheriff I will always be fair and work within the limits of the laws of the state of Alabama and the Constitutions of the state of Alabama and the United States of America and I expect all of my employees to do the same.   

Again, it is my great honor to serve you as your Sheriff and my door is always open. I work for you!      

                                       Sheriff Rocky Harnen